Come out to the football field at 6 o'clock for a fun game and friendly competition! Follow on instagram for updates @hccintramuralsports
Come out to the football field at 6 o'clock for a fun game and friendly competition! Follow on instagram for updates @hccintramuralsports
Goodman Campus students are invited to this year's Spring Fling! We'll be welcoming students to the Student Center starting at 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 10th. We hope to see you there!
Come out to the football field at 6 o'clock for a fun game and friendly competition! Follow on instagram for updates @hccintramuralsports
The Sports Hall of Fame Banquet is set for April 11! Join us in Goodman at Frank Branch Coliseum at 6 p.m. Alumni and friends, scan the QR code to purchase your tickets, or call the Alumni office at (662) 472-9134.
CLICK HERE for details on the dance clinics, tryouts, and all things Holmes Dazzlers 2024!